Friday, 3 July 2015

Abramovich Regrets his Decision Over Cech Signing to a Rival Team

On a normal level, Abramovich’s desire to honour a pledge he gave to Cech that he could spend the rest of his career wherever his heart desired, is laudable. But on a business level, allowing him to fill the one gap Arsene Wenger has struggled to fill for seven years is potentially disastrous.

Cech can't be compared with Frank Lampard figure, heading into semi-retirement, playing a season-long cameo role for Chelsea’s rivals Manchester City before heading to America. The Czech international is four years younger and still one of the best players in his position in the world - and because that position is goalkeeper, he could remain so for another four to five years. I doubt Spurs would ever again sell a world-class keeper to Arsenal, believing they’d got the best years out of him.

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